Our Leadership

There are several ways to get to know our community. Community gatherings provide an opportunity to meet new people. The best way to get connected is to simply show up! We invite you to come to gatherings with any of our social groups prior to joining, as they are a great way to get to know folks in a smaller group setting.

For general information, questions, or requests for our rabbi

Main Email: info@mynertamid.org
Mail: Congregation Ner Tamid, 1349 Old Hwy 41, Suite 220, Marietta, GA 30060

Comments, Concerns, Feedback

Congregation Ner Tamid Board
President, Julie Segal: juliecaryn429@mynertamid.org
Vice-President, Matt Berenson: amberenson@gmail.com
Secretary, Johanna Kohler: johanna@mynertamid.org
Director of Finance, Michael Gutenstein: cntgute@comcast.net
Director of Education, Rob Goldstein: robert.goldstein@mynertamid.org
Director at Large, Jonathan Herbst:  cobraherbst@yahoo.com
Director at Large, Brian Katz: briankatz@hotmail.com