Religious School Tuition

Religious School Tuition Rates by Grade Level

Scholarships are available for those who qualify – contact CNT’s Director of Finance. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.

Pre – K
Meets two Sundays a month.  Cost per child is $200.00.

Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade
Cost per child is $425.00, plus $36.00 fee for ISJL per student.

Third & Fourth Grade
Formal Hebrew instruction in addition to Judaic education.  Cost per child is $800.00, plus $36.00 fee for ISJL per student.

Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Grade
Meets Sunday mornings and one weekday.  Formal Hebrew instruction in addition to Judaic education. Cost per child is $950.00, plus $36.00 fee for ISJL per student

Confirmation Class
Cost per child is $450.00. Instruction is with the rabbi.